A Skin, A Night
文森穆 Vincent Moon / 法 France / 2008 / HD / Colour / 63min
獨立樂界販賣感傷與脆弱的樂團之多,簡直要替每人訂購兩箱維骨力。用來形容The National的字眼,大抵也不脫上述範圍。但他們獨有的深邃美感及哀愁底蘊,終在年初《High Violet》登場時大爆發,一舉征服英美與歐陸。《暗夜肌膚》記錄了這團的謙遜、不安與幽微,透過深入肌理的紀錄,正好用以檢視他們是如何觸動了歌迷敏感的心。
This is a documentary about the band, “The National”. We will see the creative process: how they work, how it grows from a simple guitar riff to a whole song. A Skin, A Night is about music, creation and external things that an artist absorbs before he goes inside the studio and how they affect the result.
A Skin, A Night Trailer
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