Winter's Bone
黛柏拉官尼克 Debra Granik / 美 USA / 2010 / 35mm / Colour / 100min
2010日舞影展最佳影片、劇本 2010柏林影展每日鏡報讀者票選獎、歐洲藝術聯盟獎
青春正燄,卻已像餘生灰燼。因故入獄的父親在典押房子交保後突然失蹤,十七歲的蕊兒獨立照顧年幼的弟妹和心神渙散的母親,眼看法院就要沒收他們的房子,逼著她活要見人,死要見屍,必須要找到父親的下落。然而,封閉小村中,親友各個有秘密, 卻無人肯說出真相,當生命的減法將一切都削去,路途退無可退,寂靜的冬天,痛徹入骨。
17 year-old Ree Dolly embarks on a mission to find her father
after he uses their family house as a way of securing his bail and disappears
without a trace. Faced with the possibility of losing her home, Ree challenges
her outlaw kin’s code of silence and risks her life to save her family. She
hacks through the lies and threats and begins to piece together the truth.