The Filth and the Fury
朱利安坦普 Julien Temple / 英 美 UK, USA / 2009 / 35mm / Colour / 108min
龐克宗師The Sex Pistols用短短兩年時間改變了世界,以焦躁狂暴的音符和我行我素的行徑,勾勒了七O年代的絕望與混亂。本片由樂隊成員親自闡述這段傳奇,從與經紀人之間的齟齬、媒體的撻伐、Sid Vicious的毒癮問題,到John Lydon大啖標榜叛逆精神的龐克,最終諷刺地淪為群起效尤的潮流,熱血沸騰地帶您重新體驗最原初的龐克態度。
The Filth and Fury is a documentary about the punk band, ‘The Sex Pistols’. The film tries to show some of the backgrounds of their way through the punk era while telling the story of the band from zero back to zero. It features many interviews and comments of people who were involved.